Demystifying URQL Using the Dev Tools


In this talk, I cover a high-level overview of urql (a.k.a. Universal React Query Language)'s features before diving into ways to explore those features using the Chrome urql-specific DevTools extension.

Further Reading

  • How to URQL: A step-by-step guide

    This tutorial was written by Formidable's own Phil Plukthun and Jovi de Crook, two of the lead urql and urql-devtools developers. It's a great introduction to urql as a client while also covering auth implementation with tools like prisma, all written in react.

  • The FormidaBlog always has the latest info about large releases (like this post by Sofia Pohjalainen discussing the release of Explorer View), as they pertain to urql and the devtools. Worth keeping an eye on.

  • The urql docs are also a great place to get to know the basics of the library. An FAQ, API reference, and overview of basic concept are all available here.

  • The urql community on Spectrum is another great place to talk to other urql users and the maintainers themselves.

  • The Chrome urql-devtools extension

Community Blog Posts

Seen At

RESTLess London on July 16th, 2020.

GraphQL Denver on May 26th, 2020.

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